Sunday, October 5, 2008

I want to tell a lot of things

Hey hooooo... it's been ages since I wrote my last blog. hahahaha

Alrighty.. today is the sixth day of October and there were so many things have happened!!!

Soo... the first thing that I want to tell, I proudly announced that I am officially entering the fall quarter (which is my fifth quarter in Shoreline Community college)..

Classes werre amazingly busy! haahhaahhaahha but incredibly fun!

I have Biology class, from 7:30 AM! to 8:30, and we will have lab for approzimately 2 hours. However, the teacher is fun, the class is fun, but the homeworks are weeeeeeew hauhauahua (not a word to be fitted)

Then I have my speech communication studies. IT IS A SUPER AWESOME CLASS!!! it's like a playing class which is soooooooo fun, the teacher is awesome for he makes the class become like a "family".
After that, I should have a break one hour before having my last class which is Pyshcology reasearch. However, after hearing about two new indonesian students joined the CHORALE, I definitely felt absurdly nervous hahahaha. Therefore, I took my break time to see they practiced and that was the key for my heart to say yes and also took the class!! without thinking any further!!! hahahaha This might be categorized as following "passion or heart" OR!! "desire-what I want" huaaaaaaaa no idea...

Well, about this case - "following" whatever it might be called - On last Thursday it happened again!!

I had planned not to play at newman for last sunday (this is a story about last thursday). So, I ended school and went home, was trying to do a lot of School works and of course learning Toefl. However, after connecting to internet, emails were coming and they were all about practicing on taht day. it said that the time was earlier and also there would be peter (trombone/violin) and had no drum nor piano player. Also, I saw that there were lack of singers, so 2 hours (approximately) before practicing I changed clothes QUICKLY and ran to bus stop.. hahahaha flying to newman. And... yaaa... I was welcomed and ended up to be a Djembe player!! hauahuahua it's one of percussions instrument from africa. it was because there was no drummer show up. I tried it and they said it was not bad.. And yes.. drummer came finally. I still played though. It was awesome.. another excellent feeling.. hahahaha

Then, sunday was arrived. I came quiet early and met our leader for that day, Amy. She told me that "chen, you'll be the star of tonight because ricky was sick"... ng.... ok... (with unbeliveble expression)

And ya... I played djembe as the solo percussion for that night. Weeeew... I was experiencing weird feeling while playing that hahaha.. but no pressure for sure haha.

And mr. sound check (andy) told me that I played it just right!! hauahuahauhauahuahua

Thank you thank you...

so probably... I revealed one of my undiscovered talent eh? hahahahahah

Thank you for alll!!!!

love you...

especially YOU!!!

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