Monday, July 28, 2008

it's totally recharge...

HUa.. I woke up this morning with a huge concern about money!! hahahaha... well.. I need to ask my mom once again to send me money. And it seems that I have used over budget..
I was totally nervous and felt not really well. Feeling between regret and guilty. However, I decided to make a note about all the money that I've spent. Well... it's actually not bad, but still... feeling not really well...
Hem.. I have to be more discipline!... and stop make any excuse...
huaaa... I hope what I wrote, I do it !! I mean it!! hemmmmmmmmmmm

Anyway... I am a little worried about all the subjects that I took this summer... Sumpaah (swear!!!) I am a little bit slow... and it's in a rush hour! so I must catch up alot of things!! huaa... extra work!! and 3 more weeks (or 2 more weeks) I've done with the summer quarter! It means, I have to set up the volunteering plan as soon as possible, don't forget to mention tutoring! huaa.. that's the only hope that I have to get the social security. Also, I have to make enroll for the TOEFL test! huaaaaaa....

Lots lots lots of things to do!!!
Rush Hour!!!

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